Security systems Brighton

Are you searching for security systems Brighton? Well you are in luck as Belled Up Security System has your back in providing the best quality systems on the market!

Securing your home is important, it’s where your loved ones are and all of your valuable belongings. So why would you want to have all of that be at risk 24/7? At any moment some of these or all of these could be gone in a moment. Don’t let everything you care for be unprotected, get Belled Up to secure all of these for you so you can be more at ease!

When getting anything installed in your home, you want professionals on the job, and we understand this. And the same should be for your security systems, that’s why Belled Up Security Limited are accredited by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI), and all of our systems are fitted to the National Security Inspectorate Silver Standard which is issued with a NACOSS silver certificate. So you can trust that Belled Up knows what they are doing!

If you are interested in getting security devices installed in your home, please don’t hesitate to contact us


Why Choose Belled Up Security?Security Camera on building

At Belled Up Security, we have tons of security options for your home. Whether you are looking to fully secure your home with the latest and greatest. Or simply want a cheap but effective system which works. we know we can provide for you, whether it be CCTV systems, or fire alarms. We have everything you could ever need!

If the worst were to happen and your security systems failed or broke. Belled Up Security provide 24/7 call out, so you can be sure that your security systems are working all day everyday. So your home will never be vulnerable


Contact Us – Security systems Brighton

If you wish to get your home secured with the best people you can. Please contact us by filling out an enquiry form on our webpage. Or alternatively you can email us at:, or instead phone us at: 01273 090188.

We look forward to hearing from you!